- 1999 - present
- paraiso
- with Cristian Dios
- Action & Performance & Public Space
- Buenos Aires & Madrid
- 2003 - present
- kollektiv migrantas
- with Florencia Young i.a.
- Workshops, Exhibition, Urban Actions
- Berlin i.a.
- 2023
- Entretanto
- with Bengolea, Minovich, Persico, Szalkowicz & Chmiel
- Site Specific
- Buenos Aires
- 2019 - present
- Diga Whisky
- with Silvina Der Meguerditchian, i.a.
- Archive photography migration
- Argentine
- 2019 - present
- Vogelfutter
- with Francesca La Vigna & Guests
- Performance & Participatory Reading
- Berlin
- 2017
- Territorealidad
- with Cristian Dios
- Sound installation (Spanish)
- Buenos Aires
- 2015
- Drawing in Missing Link
- with Jürgen Völkert-Marten, Aspasia Krystalla, Eleni Papaioannou, i.a.
- Participatory project & Installation
- Berlin
- 2013
- Lichtenberg
- with Celina Gonzalez Sueyro
- Installation & Public Space
- Berlin
- 2011
- NeOWiedMa
- with Lux Lindner
- Dialogue (Spanisch)
- 2006
- siempreviva
- with Silvina Der Meguerditchian
- Installation - Public Space
- Berlin
- 2006
- contacto b
- with Agustin Calvo Galan
- Dialogue (Spanish)
- Berlin, Barcelona, Santiago de Chile
- 1990-1992
- asperges
- with Lisa Kerner, Guadalupe Fernandez, Rosana Schoijet, Gabriela Senes, Soledad Aznar
- Photography, Video, Performance, Posters, Billposting, Post
- Buenos Aires